June Hyung Park

JuneHyungPark.jpg.pagespeed.ce . qddeoi38K June Hyung Park
About: He is the lead guitarist in “NATY” which is a legendary Korean Heavy Metal Band. They will have a new album coming out soon. He used TronicalTune for the recording. The band will participate several big rock festivals in China from May, 2014. He will use TronicalTune at the stages as well.


The NATY, which grouped 1986, has been regarded as the legendary band for Korean heavy-metal scene. Based on their years of experience and skills, they have showed the essence of a powerful sound whether at a crowded club or Mega Rock festivals. Furthermore, NATY not only carried out collaboration performances of ‘Modafe’ at ‘International Modern Dance Festival’ as well as ‘Dreaming Heaven’ at ‘the World Festival of National Theaters’ successfully but also broaden boundaries such as participating O.S.T of games. NATY have showed their concrete traces and tried another performance of a collaboration stage with a most famous singer in KOREA, Suhee Kim in order to give energy to Korean music field where the wild land of heavy-metal genres. Like this, a breakaway stage with metal and other genres gave a fresh shock to audiences.

Recently, NATY put on their passionate performance on the main stage of ‘YOGA MIDI Festival’ in Guizhou, China last August. ‘YOGA MIDI Festiaval’ is the representative rock festival of China, which hosts ‘Cui Jian(China),’ Loudness(Japan), ‘Other Lives(U.S.) and many other international rock bands.

Next year, their 3rd Full length album will be released, and they will show various stages to the world including China, Japan, Southeast Asia, Europe and U.S. NATY, the anchor of Korean Heavy Metal, they never stop challenging.

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