Sergey Vishnyakov

SergeyVishnyakov.jpg.pagespeed.ce .MYv4zS03AG Sergey Vishnyakov
Band: Melnitsa

About: Sergey was born in 1983 in the Moscow region and has been playing the guitar since the age of 12. He got his professional education both from the Technologial Bauman University as engineer and from the Moscow Arts College as a guitarist.
Sergey has been working in “Melnitsa” since February 2010. The band has five full-on CDs out, as well as a number of LEs, singles and hit collections. The band is known to have topped the “Nashe Radio” charts regularly and pull crowds in the biggest venues of the country. “Melnitsa” has two FUZZ awards and one “Top-13” award from Nashe Radio. 

The band has played and headlined at such prominent festivals as “Nashestvie”, “Chartova Dyuzhina”, “FolkDay”, Dikaya Myata”, “Krylya”, “Emmaus”, “Ethnolife” etc. The launch of “Dikie Travy” CD in the Olympiyskiy sports hall in 2009 had a full house attendance, as well as the 15-years anniversary of the band in Stadium LIVE in 2014 (5500 ppl).

Apart from working in “Melnitsa”, Sergey is in demand as a session musician and a tutor.

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